
   Susan Weinberg  
   Studio 409










About Me

I began my journey with research into my own family
and was quickly captivated.  Family history research appeals to a unique
personality type.  It requires patience, tenacity and a broad interest in language, history and culture.

With a multifaceted background, I have a unique set of skills for genealogy. Having made my career in finance, I am very comfortable using spreadsheets and technical skills to analyze relationships and solve puzzles.  But as an artist I have an appreciation for the way a solution evolves not always along a linear path. Instead, it draws on a broad base of knowledge and skills, combining a wide range of resources through a process that gradually unfolds. My skills have evolved into workshops and presentations on subjects as seemingly disparate as using spreadsheets to analyze your family history and using collage to tell your family story.  I have created and maintain websites (Kehilalinks) for Jewishgen.org in ancestral towns in Belarus and in Poland.  My blog, Layers of the Onion, focuses on family history research, travel and artwork–all the subjects that engage me. Through my research I’ve located living family around the world as well as traced ancestors back through many generations and languages.

Deeply involved with the Jewish genealogical community, I am a founding member and President of the Minnesota Jewish Genealogical Society (MNJGS). I also serve on the board of the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies (IAJGS) and locally on the board of the Jewish Historical Society of the Upper Midwest (JHSUM).

Over time I’ve expanded my research to assist others in their efforts.  Located in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area, I can easily assist anyone with family from this region, but also have a particular familiarity with the resources around Jewish heritage in the Upper Midwest, New York and Eastern Europe. 

My research has taken me to
Germany to research the Holocaust records of the International Tracing Service, now known as Arolsen Archives, to the Vilnius Yiddish Institute in Lithuania where I studied Yiddish, and to the shtetls and towns in Belarus, the Ukraine and Poland where family came from.  I’ve done research in Polish and Russian, making use of the archives in Lithuania and Poland.

Determining how I can best assist you
begins with a discussion of what you are seeking and what you know or can glean from living relatives.  To the extent that you prefer to do some more labor-intensive research yourself, I can act in a coaching capacity.

This website is designed to help you in your search however you decide to pursue it. On the Articles tab you will find articles from my blog that deal with family history research as well as articles that I've written for other publications. 



Site designed by Susan Weinberg
©Susan Weinberg 2020