On Neptune it rains Diamonds
Poetry by Uncle John
Editora espáñola: Tania Carrasco
1. New Dawn
2. Señorita
3. El Señor
4. Diamond Eyes
5. The Book & The Ring
6. Land Of Dreams
7. Mountains Of The Mind
8. Gold Band
9. Your Eyes
10. When The Moment Comes
11. Time Waiting
12.Jupiter Rising
Her heart is fire full and crystal deep
He sings for diamonds roses for the girl
Sparkles with love to preserve and keep
Strength & commitment inner world
Loyal he can be like a brother to you
In a brave new world this side of paradise
Comprehensive close loving and true
To the world she sees through her eyes
When the moment shines like gemstones
In a routine you´ve known
You can tune to inspiration
In the progress being shown
When the night is late
Light appears after a reasonable wait
Welcomes us to experience the great
When the moment comes
I know you by your work
I see you with your look
I listen for your voice
To read you like a book
I miss your voice to me like music
I miss you like I do
I want to watch the stars with you
Make a wish to come true
I´ve looked into the eyes of many
Yet none sparkle like you
Like the picture you drew
Of the muscles mirroring you
You move to the beat of my heart
A funny friend and kind
A thrill to dance with
To the song in your mind
Where a circle is complete in sight
In a diamond smooth rink rising bright
Stars of inspiration write
About your eyes full of life and light